Welcome to December!
And Blogmas 2023
December is usually a wonderfully reflective and super energizing month for me, and 2023 was no exception. I love looking back at the year’s accomplishments (big and small), opportunity areas, and looking ahead with goals for the upcoming year.
This blog is about adventure, so I’ll keep this these posts focused on that. Historically, Vlogmas and Blogmas are supposed to be Christmas-themed, but given we don’t typically travel much during the holidays aside from visiting family (max 2 hours away), I don’t actually have relatable Christmas content, and I refuse to focus so much on gift idea lists this year.
But first, I acknowledge that I started a Blogmas series in 2022, but abruptly stopped. Then I didn’t really post anything again in 2023. This was due to the passing of my aunt mid-December. She – and my grandpa (who is also no longer here as of ’19) – were a huge influence on my wanderlust and how I got hooked on travel (especially cruises). And I felt unmotivated to share much of what I’ve been up to the last 12 months. It’s been a hard year not hearing her talk about how excited she is for her next adventure, as there always was one upcoming. Many of my travels and ideas were directly influenced from their past travels and ideas. Friendly reminder to everyone reading that we’re all inspired by others, and those people should know the impact they have on our lives 🙂
Our Purpose
I feel grateful for so much in 2023. When reflecting on the year, a few distinct moments stand out to me the most. This is because they either challenged, guided, brought opportunities, or joy. This year, Blogmas will focus on some of those (adventure-focused, of course).
But before going into details of 2023, I want to share the reason this blog exists to begin with. I think about it often, but realized today that I’ve never actually posted it.
- At its core, the most basic reason for creating this blog 7 years ago was to learn and share adventures (including trip ideas, activity ideas, location ideas, tips, reviews, gear, etc.) in order to inspire others to get outside more and try new things.
- At its heart, this blog was created to show us that we can do things we never thought were possible, that we can push our boundaries safely, that we are ever-learning, and to remind us to never stop being curious: continue exploring forever (in whatever way you define “explore”).
And, Volkman Adventures is run by one person with minimal resources, not an entire production team paid by a company (ha, clearly), and on top of the actual time it takes for travel and documenting, it takes days and lots and lots of thought and revision to write a single full-size post. So the fact that you’re reading this right now gives me a feeling I can’t even describe, I really appreciate that you care enough to spend time here.
To reiterate: this content is created to serve you! Not me, so always let me know what type of content you’re looking for so I can do this thing right.
Thank you for being here!
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