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Ways to Rest: At Home and While Traveling

Text title "Ways to Rest" with cloud, water, and sunshine in background.

Happy Sunday! It’s the day of rest, and that’s our plan for most of today. It got me thinking…

What does “rest” mean to you?

To me, the definition of rest changes depending on where I’m at. Sometimes rest is sitting, and sometimes rest is moving. But regardless of where I’m at, I still equally re-energize during that rest period.

When I’m at home, “rest” means relaxing in whatever way I can find that day. Some days that means I’m picking up some of the clutter, working on a project, or watching a documentary. Other days it means going for a walk or sitting outside with a coffee.

When I’m traveling, “rest” is typically more defined as simply moving slower. If you’ve ever traveled with me, you’ll know that I get antsy sitting in the same spot for too long (I mean, there’s just so much out there to see and learn and experience, I don’t want to miss it!), so rest looks very different when I travel than it does when I’m at home. Maybe I’ve planned a sightseeing tour, a beach day, a foodie day, or a trip to a museum.

Taking a break during your vacation (or staycation) is the best way to recharge so you can enjoy some leisure time. If you’re antsy like me and don’t like “just sitting” to relax (not that there’s anything wrong with that), or are looking for new ways to relax, I wanted to share these ideas with you. The ideas can be done locally or while traveling!

Stratovolcano Mount St. Helens in Washington State

Ways to Rest

Remember, the key is to do activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Listen to your body and choose activities that align with your energy levels and preferences. The idea is to be intentional and thoughtful about your actions.

What would you add to the list?

Happy Resting!

P.S. This post is part of the 2023 Blogmas series. Check out the other posts here.

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