Blogmas 2022 – Post No. 5
I took a few days off from blogmas as I was writing a lot for my full time job this past week, and will be again this coming week. This means I’ll likely end blogmas around New Years instead of on Christmas day as I’m supposed to. But that’s okay! I started blogmas to continue getting myself motivated to write consistently again, and not to become burnt out, so the pauses are okay. On to blogmas post number five – The Mountains are Calling.
The Mountains are Calling
Today, December 11th, is International Mountain Day. I already posted this mini blog on Instagram, but wanted to continue the conversation here because I just love mountains so darn much.
Have you ever been asked the This or That question: “Mountains or Beaches?”
When asked, it’s always SO hard to decide which I prefer. They both have some pretty great qualities that are drastically different from one another. But time after time, I always choose the mountains.
I know, yes, beaches are absolutely amazing and I would preferably live directly on a beach if I could. But I. LOVE. Mountains.
Whenever I think back to moments where I am filled with pure bliss, joy, and serenity, mountains are always in the picture. Every time. And today, Eric and I were reminiscing when we were boondocking in Alaska in 2021, and this particular photo came to mind.
We had just left Independence Mine State Historical Park and were driving on Hatcher Pass, when this colossal, lofty beast of a mountain caught our attention. We were lucky enough to be driving Hatcher Pass on a beautiful day, one nice enough to be able to see ~100 miles as the crow flies. We pulled over and were so incredibly excited to realize, after about 45 minutes of extensive mapping and research (because we HAD to be sure), that we were looking at the magnificent Denali. A mountain we’ve only been dreaming of seeing. And one we didn’t think we’d be able to even catch a glimpse of during this trip, even if the clouds were blocking the view of the summit.
The level of excitement we had was indescribable. And we can’t wait to experience it again someday.