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Mankato River Ramble – a Great MN Cycling Experience

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It finally happened! Eric and I have been wanting to participate in a MN cycling event for years! We were even signed up for two, but life happened and we weren’t able to. 

That is, until the Mankato River Ramble came along. 

What an invigorating experience!

First greeted by the energetic and motivating volunteers, I was directed toward a large event check-in tent at Land of Memories Park. After checking in, I enjoyed some refreshments, snacks, and amazing live music before hitting the trail. 

This is the first time I’ve ever done an event like this, so I was feeling a little nervous. 

Though I did the smaller of the trails, called the “Minneopa Falls Loop,” it was one of the most diversely scenic 12 mile bike rides of my life. We rode through beautiful hills, to a waterfall, to a ski hill, and around through town.

And I’d love to share my 3 favorite views and experiences with you!

Stop 1 – Minneopa State Park

Biking distance from Land of Memories Park = 3.3 miles.

This was the most difficult part of the entire ride, so lucky for me it was in the beginning. If I’m being honest, I actually almost gave up on the way here! But I’m glad I didn’t because it was an easier ride once we got to Minneopa SP.

Eric and I bike often, but never in such hilly places, so I really had to fine-tune my gear shifting abilities fast. I have an older road bike that doesn’t shift as smooth as others, but once I figured those gears out, the rest of the ride was much more pleasant. 

Minneopa State Park is one of southern Minnesota’s best kept secrets. Just 5.9 miles from downtown, be sure to have this beautiful park on your itinerary. Visit in the summer or fall to view the free-roaming bison, visit in the spring to see the stunning Minneopa Falls, and visit any time of year to experience their nearly 5 miles of hiking trails and endless snowshoeing opportunities.

Stop 2 – Mount Kato

Biking distance from Minneopa State Park = 4 miles.

The stretch between Minneopa State Park and Mount Kato were the most scenic parts of the ride. First following the South Route Trail adjacent to CR 90 (Hawthorn Rd), you will then connect with the Red Jacket Trail. Be ready and make sure your brakes are good as you head toward the end of the South Route Trail, however, because you do not want to be caught off guard by this frightening 5.1% incline. The breeze through your hair during this segment feels amazing, though!

For fans of outdoor recreation, Mankato has a great skiing, snowboarding, tubing, and biking mountain right outside the city, aptly named Mount Kato. The mountain consists of 19 trails of varying difficulty, from the bunny hill to difficult black diamonds. There are 4 terrain parks for practicing your skills, and 8 chair lifts to get you back up to your favorite runs as quick as possible. Open in both winter and summer seasons, you’ll be able to take advantage of the mountain no matter when you visit!

Stop 3 – Sibley Park

Biking distance from Mount Kato = 3.7 miles.

One of the last stops along the Mankato River Ramble route is beautiful Sibley Park. You first ride in from the northeast corner of the park, by two softball fields. You’ll notice multiple park benches along the Minnesota River to your right. Don’t forget to take a rest break and soak in those river breezes.

As you ride the trail south past the park shelter, you’ll notice an old log cabin with a sign in front of it that says “Ott” catches your eye. This quaint cabin was moved to Sibley Park in 1931, but was actually constructed in 1857 by George Ott Sr., who was one of the first settlers of the area.

Following the Minnesota River Trail through Sibley Park, you’re met with one of the most beautiful gardens in the Mankato area. One could spend hours wandering around Sibley Park and see something new around every turn. Visiting in the spring means catching the hundreds of flowers blooming. And visiting in the fall, like I did, provided equally as beautiful views as the trees change color.

Back at Land of Memories Park

Biking distance from Sibley Park = 1.7 miles.

I’m not in the greatest shape – actually, in the worst shape of my life – but it felt so invigorating and accomplishing to participate!

If you’ve never done something like this before, I would strongly encourage you to do so. Doing something that’s on your bucket list (especially if it’s been on there a long time) gives you that extra motivation to just try it out!

You’ll feel such a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, I bet you’ll want to try it again with something else – or maybe that’s just me 😉 

How have you pushed your boundaries and tried something new recently? Let me know in the comments!

P.S. You probably noticed Eric wasn’t able to attend – this is because he broke his foot on a motorcycle trip a few weeks beforehand, but he was there in spirit and promised he’ll be ready for next year! 🙂

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