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Airport Routines

Do you have routines?

In general, I’m not a super “routine” person. I never wake up or go to sleep or eat meals at the same time every day, I definitely don’t work out regularly, nor do I wash my face every night. I just am so bad at creating a regimen or routine, I stopped trying.

But there is one thing I approach the same each and every time. And that’s the airport and airplanes. I am definitely routine at the airport and in an airplane nearly each and every time.

Here’s my usual:

Attire –

I wear almost the same outfit each and every time I have to fly. Pro tip: Zippered pockets are key. This could be a whole other blog post (maybe it should be?), but here are the basics.

Arriving –

At the Gate –

On the Airplane –

Happy flying!

P.S. This post is part of the 2023 Blogmas series. Check out the other posts here.

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