I love adventure blogs! And vlogs! And pods!
First, thank you so much for checking out my blog. It means so much that all handful of you consistent readers are here. Truly.
I’ve had this website since 2016, but had the idea to create a blog or similar for a decade+ beforehand. I remember an old website builder that used to exist – Freewebs I think? – that back in 2004 or 2005 I sat on for hours creating HTML pages and articles about the world and sports and fashion and all the things I loved. I wanted it to be something so bad, it was so much fun.
Now, clearly I’m not a famous magazine or travel or sports or fashion writer, but this blog is that platform I needed. I have social media accounts – an Instagram, YouTube channel, and Facebook Page – and they all have their place, but nothing feels as natural or as Elissa as being right here on this website. So thank you for being here!
With that context, I’ve been reading travel blogs for a long time! They’re really inspiring to me. I love reading, listening to, and watching inspiring things. And know that what I’m watching/reading/listening to is evergreen with my interests, so this list isn’t final.
Adventure Blogs
In no particular order, additional travel/adventure blogs I’d suggest you should check out (click arrow for more information):
Women Who Explore
Website: https://www.womenwhoexplore.com/blog-posts
Women Who Explore has made a huge impact on my life personally. I’ve found a community of adventure loving women who strive to do better and push themselves every single day, all while having fun and encouraging others along the way!
As of June 2023, I’ve officially been trained to be a trip host and will be co-hosting the July 2024 Iceland Trekking adventure. I also am an ambassador for the Minnesota chapter of Women Who Explore, so if you’re a Minnesotan (or are here frequently), I invite you to join our Facebook group (Women Who Explore: Minnesota) and upcoming events!
Their bio says “Yes, you’ll find outdoor adventures… hiking, backpacking, climbing, paddling, yoga. But who says that’s the limit? Not us! You’ll also find opportunities to explore brunches, breweries, parties and city nightlife! We’re all about exploring at your own pace, on your own terms. So, no need to fear that you won’t fit in. You’re already enough and we can’t wait to get to know you. It’s our core mission to make sure that our members know they’re enough. In fact, that’s why we exist.”
Alastair Humphreys
Website: https://alastairhumphreys.com/blog/ (also his Shouting from My Shed newsletter = *chef’s kiss*)
“Alastair tells stories to encourage people to live more adventurously every day, to engage with and care for the natural world, and to take action –begin!– with curiosity and enthusiasm.”
Adventurous Kate
Website: https://www.adventurouskate.com/blog/
Adventurous Kate is one of the very first travel blogs I started reading!
Kate’s bio says “At age 26, I quit my job to travel the world alone. I spent six fantastic months in Southeast Asia and turned my travel blog into a full-time business. 12 years later, I’m still traveling — 83 countries and 7 continents — and now living in Prague! My goal is to show YOU how you can travel the world on your own — easily, safely, and adventurously.”
Oneika the Traveller
Website: https://www.oneikathetraveller.com/
I have learned SO much from her, her experiences, and her perspectives.
Her bio is long, but I picked out some parts for your context: “…Her adventures have taken her to over 120 countries on 6 continents. .In addition, Oneika is an accomplished writer with … work …in a wide range of publications… her articles examine travel and exploration through the intersections of race, politics, and privilege. A fierce supporter of women who travel, Oneika is co-author of the book Wanderess: The Unearth Women’s Guide to Traveling Smart, Safe, & Solo.”
Adventure Vlogs
Though for much less time, I’ve also been into vlogging, so I wanted to share my favorite travel/adventure vloggers for you to get inspiration from, too! In no particular order:
Taylor the Nahamsha Hiker
Channel: @TaylortheNahamshaHiker
Taylor’s bio is simply “Making videos hiking, backpacking & thru-hiking.” That is all true, but she’s been really inspirational and opened my eyes to the hiking opportunities in New England, life on the trail as a thru-hiker, and owning a business (a New Hampshire focused gift shop!) at the same time.
Kyle Hates Hiking
Channel: @KyleHatesHiking
You probably assumed, but Kyle actually loves hiking, and we share the same type of humor so – while the videos may not be for all – they are some of my favorites. Eric and I both love learning about the mystery videos and stories.
His bio says “I am a huge hiking nerd. On this channel you’ll find videos about hiking related mysteries/stories, backpacking gear, thru hiking, and much more. When I was 16, I learned what the Appalachian Trail was. Being an ambitious teenager, I decided that one day I was going to attempt the trek from Georgia to Maine. I realized that goal in 2018, and have hiked thousands of additional miles since.”
Wandering Switchback
Channel: @WanderingSwitchback
Suzanne is an amazing outdoorswoman with a great focus on education and doing the best for YOU. A urology nurse IRL, she understands the body and how to take care of it in the backcountry.
Her bio says “Hi folks, I’m Switchback (she/her/hers). My goal is to help you get on the trails and into the outdoors safely and responsibly. This may be the place for you if: … You have a body you don’t often see represented on the trails … You want to feel more comfortable solo hiking or solo backpacking, day and night … You’re unsure what to look for when it comes to gear … You don’t even know where to start”
Arielle Shipe
Channel: @ArielleShipe
Arielle is a climber, yoga instructor, PCT thru-hiker, adventure-mom, and all-around great to watch and be inspired from. I first saw a video from Arielle on Instagram a couple of years ago when she was summiting a knife edge trail in New England, and I thought it was the coolest thing ever and is currently still on my wish list.
Her bio says “If you like outdoor adventures then you are in the right place! My name is Arielle and I am an outdoor adventurer vlogger based in Colorado. I’m a big fan of hiking, climbing, biking, and any outdoor adventure I can bring my dog on. After being forced to reschedule in 2020, I am excited to set out on my lifelong dream of hiking the PCT (Pacific Crest Trail) in 2022 but in the meantime, I want to climb mountains, explore, and take as many adventures in my converted van as possible!”
Adventure Pods
Also interested in listening to adventures vs watching or reading? Check out these inspiring podcasts:
JUMP with Traveling Jackie
Website: https://jumpadventures.com/podcast/
Traveling Jackie used to mostly be a blogger, but has moved as of a few years ago to focus mostly on her podcast and group travel opportunities. Jackie’s earlier works (The Budget Minded Traveler) were what got me hooked on her content, and it’s only been evolving into greater things over time.
Her website says “Jackie Nourse moved abroad in 2003 to study Spanish and hasn’t stopped traveling (or learning languages) since. She is the founder and host of the international hit podcast JUMP with Traveling Jackie and of JUMP Adventures, where she leads adventure trips for her audience. When she’s not traveling, Jackie’s home base is in the Rocky Mountains of Bozeman, Montana”
Trail Tales
Where to Listen: https://open.spotify.com/show/5LsMWoNa5qPw1jQvqhwE5B
You guessed it, this is also Kyle from the above Kyle Hates Hiking YourTube Channel. In Trail Tales, Kyle “interviews other thru-hikers, peak-baggers, and backpackers who are almost as crazy as him. Is life while thru-hiking really as glamorous as the social media stars make it out to be? Is pooping in the woods really that big of a deal? Find out these answers and more on Trail Tales.”
Who am I missing? Who would you add? As I said earlier, what I’m watching/reading/listening to is evergreen with my interests, so I’d love your suggestions!

P.S. This post is part of the 2023 Blogmas series. Check out the other posts here.